How to Initiate or Boost Your Milk Supply

If you are just about to give birth, or have given birth recently, the chances are, you have milk on your mind. If you have decided to breastfeed, then establishing a good supply will almost certainly be one of your biggest concerns.

The best time to initiate supply is within the first hour after giving birth. If it is possible, keep your baby close to you, with as much of their skin touching yours - this is often referred to as 'skin-to-skin' As soon as you can, offer your breast and give your baby a chance to feed. If you and your baby are separated, try to hand express as soon as possible.

The more often you feed (or hand express) in these early hours and days, the better your breast a 'primed' for breastfeeding, and the more they will produce.

If you imagine that your breast are full of pumps, and each pump needs to be plugged in to work. Each time you feed your baby, you plug one of theses pumps in and they begin to produce milk. After the first few days have passed the feeds don't contain any more plugs, and the only way to start these pumps is with hard work. (But it can be done)

Boosting your milk supply

If you have begun breastfeeding and are worried about your milk supply we have some tips for you.

It is normal for your milk to 'come in' on days three to five, and it is important to keep feeding so  that you avoid becoming engorged. It is also important to keep feeding, because the more your baby drinks (or you express) the more your body will produce, creating a good milk supply.

If you are already feeding every 3 hours or less, and you know that your baby is feeding effectively (Our next blog will cover this) you can also try:

  • Eating and drinking plenty - It is not true that you have to 'drink milk to make milk' but if you don't put anything in to your body, you cant expect to get anything out. So often we find mothers who come to us have simply forgotten to eat - have lots of snacks on hand (especially when you are breastfeeding) We recommend dark chocolate hobnobs...
  • Rest when you can, even a cat nap will do.
  • Express from one breast, whilst feeding from the other - this will trick your body into thinking it has to produce milk for two babies, and will increase supply.
  • Lots of people recommend eating oats, and they really are great for milk production, so porridge for breakfast, or flapjacks and oatcakes as snacks etc.
  • Fenugreek capsules - a great herbal supplement which can boost milk supply.
  • Express after each breastfeed - just to make sure your breast have been emptied - anything left sends signals to make less milk, but empty breast begin to produce more and faster.
  • Make sure you don't skip night feeds - the 2-3am feed is THE MOST IMPORTANT feed for milk supply. At this time you milk production is at its best, and if you empty your breast properly at this time (breastfeed and then express) you will certainly boost supply. You should be able to drop this feed again when your supply is better established. If you really cant express after, or miss this feed completely, make sure that in the morning you are sure to fully empty your breasts.

If you are worried and would like more advice, or a plan which is tailored to your individual needs, please to not hesitate to contact us. All of our online advice is free and we are always happy to follow up.